About the
The purpose of this study is to find out which type of heart medications (beta-blockers or calcium channel blockers) lead to improved quality of life and symptoms and which have fewer side effects in older adults with heart pain (angina).
Taking part in this study is a choice. Participants can choose to take part, or choose not to take part. Participants can change their mind at any time. Whatever the choice, participants do not lose access to medical care or give up legal rights.
Study procedures include random assignment to a group of heart medications, either beta-blockers or calcium channel blockers (your doctor will choose the specific medication in that group, frequency, and dose), a short walk, some interviews, and a review of your medical records.
4 visit interviews will take place over 1 year. Participants receive $25 per visit for up to a total of $100.
The entire study takes a total of 3 hours (30-60 minutes per visit).
The risks of the medications are no different than what is experienced in routine clinical care for angina and depends on the specific medication prescribed. Other risks include discomfort or fall during the walk or breach of confidentiality, but these are unlikely.
The study may help doctors better understand how to treat people with stable angina (heart pain). Participants may receive a benefit from having both their cardiologist and the research doctors (who oversee the study) checking on them.
This study was funded through a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute® Award HA-2021C3-2476
Trial Sites
Yale University, New Haven, CT
The Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA
Duke University, Durham, NC
Inova Health Care Services, Fairfax, VA
Nirvana Integrative Medicine/Cardiac Care and Vascular Medicine, Bronx, NY
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY